Written by Jonathan De Potter
Today we’re going to talk about finding inner peace. For now, we’ll keep this relatively short, as this is quite a deep subject.
In society today, we are dealing with so much complexity and so many stressors that our brains are simply overwhelmed, and it's massively reducing our quality of life, the quality of our mental and emotional states, and it’s also keeping us from realizing our true selves individually, and I believe keeping us from achieving world peace collectively.
Anyway, I'll leave the Kumbaya stuff for another video. Deep breath.
Personal anecdote – I used to struggle with almost everything on this list. Now here’s the crazy part, most of the above is generally considered “normal” to a great degree.
Now, here’s the truly unbelievable part. In a follow-up study, it was found that:
It is literally ALL in our heads. Unfounded negative perception, and clearly, this is not true peace.
So clearly, this is a progression that most people would want in their everyday life, so how do you get there?
There's a lot of tools out there that can help. Mindfulness and/or guided meditations, just sitting in silence, breathwork, positive psychology, nature immersions, detoxing from technology and media, etc.
However, the challenge with these tools is that they seldom provide lasting benefit, it's just a temporary band-aid to help us get on with daily life.
You might think my answer might be "Easy, join a plant medicine retreat". Certainly that can help, but it's really, really not the whole picture.
This is why lots of people who do a lot of medicine aren't doing so great.
Harmonizing and unifying your mind, body, heart, and spirit is a lifelong journey, and a gift that keeps on giving... there are just so many levels, each with profound and life-changing benefits.
This is what Human Being is all about. This is what we are here for:
It’s worth recognizing that not a single one of us is bringing a 4-car garage to our next incarnation. Living a life of spiritual evolution full of love, peace, and joy is genuinely the only thing that matters.
So if this message resonates with you and you’re feeling ready for a life-changing retreat along the journey to inner peace and calmness, we’re here to support and guide you.
Click on the button below and you’ll be asked to share a few details to speak with one of our lovely team.
If you want to go a little deeper on the subject, I’ve included a great video that I absolutely love below on the Default Mode Network and the End of Suffering: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeNmydIk8Yo
Much Love!
Blessings & Aloha,
Jonathan De Potter
Founder, Behold Retreats
Learn more about consciousness, plant medicine, and spiritual transformation