decorative image of a quotation mark

A life-changing

Decorative icon of a lotus flower used as a bullet point

5-MeO-DMT/ Bufo Retreat

Decorative icon of a lotus flower used as a bullet point

5-MeO-DMT/ Bufo Retreat


"It is like no other experience I've ever had in my life. It took me along The Hero's Journey."

Cullen, COO

decorative image of a quotation mark

I feel so safe and
supported by the team

Decorative icon of a lotus flower used as a bullet point

5-MeO-DMT, Mexico

Decorative icon of a lotus flower used as a bullet point

5-MeO-DMT, Mexico


"This is the first time in my entire life that I am able to  think of how I define myself."



Soul Awakening Retreat


Full-Time Mother


Retired investor



Ready to heal, find peace, And live your purpose?

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Experiences from our guests

My expectations were met and surpassed! Everything was fantastic. I’m so grateful for Danny and Sarah. The beautiful community they have created is amazing.

Diana Salinas
Retreat Participant
Psilocybin Retreat in Costa Rica
5 star rating in client testimonial

I loved the people, the bonding, the shared memories, the trust, the love and the whole experience. It’s been incredible. Migueleon, Sara & Aleia are shining angels and are the most incredible people who make an incredible team. They made this experience what it is and you guys should be honoured to have them working for you.

Adele Bradley
Retreat Participant
Psilocybin Retreat in Costa Rica
5 star rating in client testimonial

Simply lovely group of facilitators and guests that were all wrapped up in each others love. Good vibes all around! I'm leaving feeling free and so much lighter. The team are very talented and experienced- you'll be in good hands.

Ben Banim
Retreat Participant
Psilocybin Retreat in Costa Rica
5 star rating in client testimonial

The level of care, support, genuine personal investment and love from the facilitators. Truly touching. Behold’s legitimacy, full spectrum of care and genuine individual attention is unmatched. The biggest of thank yous to Migueleon, Sara and Aleia for being everything I could ask for. Truly, truly beautiful people with amazing talent who did more in 5 days to heal me than I have managed in 15 years. I will carry them with me forever.

Jack Bull
Retreat Participant
Psilocybin Retreat in Costa Rica
5 star rating in client testimonial

The Facilitators ❤  They are to be trusted.

Margit Synnøve Hagen
Retreat Participant
Psilocybin Retreat in Costa Rica
5 star rating in client testimonial

I loved everything. I'm 53 so I've experienced a lot of great things in my life and this was the best. It totally surpassed my expectations - I got more than I thought I would from this. Words don't do it justice. How do you use words to describe something which gave you your life back and was possibly the most profound thing you've ever done? There is absolutely nothing I would change.

Mar Ayahuasca in Portugal 2
Retreat Participant
Psilocybin Retreat in Costa Rica
5 star rating in client testimonial

The entire team was exceptional at what they did and their approach enhanced the experience tremendously!

Robert Lewis
Retreat Participant
Psilocybin Retreat in Costa Rica
5 star rating in client testimonial

I cant believe that the healer and the facilitators (Aleia, Sara, and Migueleon) are real or human being! They must be sent from heaven. I [previously] had rough journeys and aggressive trips with Aya, the support that I received from the team was unbelievable, I have never been supported in that in my whole life. I am beyond honored blessed to have met them. Second thing I liked is the food quality was brilliant amazing! My room was excellent and my view was very needed to rest and heal. Hot water showers was heaven. Music from Migueleon, Sara, and Aleia - their classes were on point. They left their rooms open incase anyone needed them during the night. The retreat staff smiling to us and very friendly .Believe me words are not enough.

Mar Ayahuasca in Portugal
Retreat Participant
Psilocybin Retreat in Costa Rica
5 star rating in client testimonial

Our healer, ceremony, and approach. It was such a unique rare experience that I feel so grateful and fortunate to have been able to experience. The overall group of 10 other individuals like myself were phenomenal. The hosts created a free spirit environment and was there 1:1 or via group anytime. Truly was ideal from every angle.

Feb Ayahuasca in Costa Rica 2
Retreat Participant
Psilocybin Retreat in Costa Rica
5 star rating in client testimonial

The preparation and pre-ceremony communications were outstanding. I went into both ceremonies feeling well prepared emotionally and very supported. Both Migueleon and Sara made the journey very safe and very informative.

Carol Bonnafe
Retreat Participant
Psilocybin Retreat in Costa Rica
5 star rating in client testimonial

The connection was amazing there with the group and facilitators. It was a safe place and I think that helped with the overall experience as well. If someone is ready to do the work and want a change in their life, I can see how this medicine can help.

David Woodford
Retreat Participant
Psilocybin Retreat in Costa Rica
5 star rating in client testimonial

Everything was very well done from A to Z I felt that it was a gift I gave myself and allowed this amazing group to take over and guide me the entire group was there for everyone of us. Giving endlessly, supporting us, and taking care of us. I’m so grateful Costa Rica is heaven that’s helped also looking forward to do this again thank you.

Fadia Rice
Retreat Participant
Psilocybin Retreat in Costa Rica
5 star rating in client testimonial

Loved most: The team at resonance and the space for community they’ve created. They are very special and welcoming. I’d change the hike/horseback riding activity. It was too hot, dry and the tide was uncomfortable. Felt jarring in what was otherwise a well orchestrated week!

Kenneth Heinau
Retreat Participant
Psilocybin Retreat in Costa Rica
5 star rating in client testimonial

The process. The facilitators were wonderful. They guided us yet stood back.

Micheal Cox
Retreat Participant
Psilocybin Retreat in Costa Rica
5 star rating in client testimonial

Amazing experience overall. Had complete confidence and trust in both facilitators. The accommodations were beautiful. Would have appreciated some options for walking paths but the facilitators did lead us on a few walks which were amazing. It would have been helpful to have maps for individual adventuring too.

Nancy Johnson
Retreat Participant
Psilocybin Retreat in Costa Rica
5 star rating in client testimonial

I loved everything, the facilitators were great and the medicine was transformative. One thing is I wish I would have packed more warm clothes though.

Feb Ayahuasca in Costa Rica 1
Retreat Participant
Psilocybin Retreat in Costa Rica
5 star rating in client testimonial

First and foremost I can’t thank Sara & Migueleon enough. They made me feel safe and all times. They were always there supporting me whenever I needed them.They really went out of their way at times and assured me that they were always there whenever I needed them. I’ve been at the retreat for a week, and I really feel great, relaxed. I haven’t felt like this in a very long time. I will use all the techniques and meditations they have taught me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. This was a life changing experience, and I would highly recommend everyone to do it.

Sara Alsudairi
Retreat Participant
Psilocybin Retreat in Costa Rica
5 star rating in client testimonial

I'm in AWE of the PEACE Danny, Sara, Samantha, Arika, Julian and Anabel have. It's palpable within each of them. I noticed it when I came in and when I left - I had obtained it for myself. Such an AMAZING GIFT! As to the food, they do what they do and I'm a carnivore, but as I tell my wife about our German Shepherd, leave it out, when he gets hungry enough, he'll eat it. It took me 4 days, but I eventually caved. After I did, it was wonderful. Kudos to Chef Daniel.

Stacey Harvey
Retreat Participant
Psilocybin Retreat in Costa Rica
5 star rating in client testimonial

Thank you for a new life.

Teresa Kolinek
Retreat Participant
Psilocybin Retreat in Costa Rica
5 star rating in client testimonial

I loved our facilitators Sara and Migueleon, their support, kindness, patience and awareness made this trip very special and truly transformative to me. Integration, yoga and breathing activities were very well thought of. The Food at the Monte Velho retreat was just outstanding!Loved all the preparation and integration activities from deep breathing and sharing circles to yoga and meditation. Other activities were also very welcomed such as colouring, massage treatment and steam and sauna. The food was very good so perhaps next time some cooking classes would be lovely to have too!

Urte Halabi
Retreat Participant
Psilocybin Retreat in Costa Rica
5 star rating in client testimonial

Doing a retreat with the Behold team is a great way to explore and experience plant medicine. The Behold team was the right combination of “yin and yang”, well-organized, knowledgeable, and fun to interact with.

They brought helpful tools to help me prepare for the experience, and a range of guidance for preparation, the retreat, and integration work.
This was my first experience working with healing psychedelics, and while I was initially pensive, the Behold team put me at ease. They really helped us prepare for an experience to be able to bring home lessons that will hopefully last a lifetime. You can expect your retreat to be safe, well considered, and that you will be cared for throughout the process.

You are in good hands!

Greg G.
Retreat Participant
Psilocybin Retreat in Costa Rica
5 star rating in client testimonial

The ayahuasca experience at Behold was far more than I even imagined. I was so supported and given numerous tools to take home for continuing and enhancing the ayahuasca message. The abundant generosity and caring was precious and very much from the heart.

Anne Chesterman
Retreat Participant
Psilocybin Retreat in Costa Rica
5 star rating in client testimonial

The team was great and was there for us at all times!

Didier Laplace
Retreat Participant
Psilocybin Retreat in Costa Rica
5 star rating in client testimonial

I loved the sacred and safe space that was held, which enabled me to surrender fully. If you are looking for a profound experience then the setting and the group size are key. The setting at Resonance Costa Rica is ideal with access to the beauty of Nature and luxury. The small group size I experienced (9 participants) enabled me to connect with each one of them and not be overwhelmed by everybody's energy during ceremonies.

Fé Valvekens
Retreat Participant
Psilocybin Retreat in Costa Rica
5 star rating in client testimonial

The retreat was perfectly organized; all events and activities flowed naturally, and progressively from one to the next, preparing us for the ceremony, and especially what would come after.

Francois Langlois
Retreat Participant
Psilocybin Retreat in Costa Rica
5 star rating in client testimonial

An experience that will never be forgotten. I found a level of peace & love in my heart that I never knew existed. I met total strangers that became family in a matter of days. What I thought was once a burden I would live with forever was relinquished and replaced with a happiness I will forever cherish and share with the world.

Thank you Luke, Alexa, Elizabeth and Mark for creating this space.

John Paul Galatioto
Retreat Participant
Psilocybin Retreat in Costa Rica
5 star rating in client testimonial

The people is what I loved most. Don't think I would have changed much.

Kyle Shenfeld
Retreat Participant
Psilocybin Retreat in Costa Rica
5 star rating in client testimonial

The experience was like having 2 years of therapy in 1 night... it was very healing.

Nanette Hinton
Retreat Participant
Psilocybin Retreat in Costa Rica
5 star rating in client testimonial

Luke, Alexa, and Amina as well as the support staff made the entire experience magical. Everything clicked at the right time and in the rightplace. Everything was safe, clean and comfortable.

Regulus Caesar
Retreat Participant
Psilocybin Retreat in Costa Rica
5 star rating in client testimonial

Great experience! This was my second time doing a Behold retreat and it definitely delivered again :) The sweat lodge was magical, the facilitators were very knowledgeable and experienced, the location was beautiful and I really enjoyed the house we stayed at! Then of course the medicine did its job and was very powerful! Having the alternative food options was nice as well at most of the meals. I'm not a huge mushroom fan so it was helpful when the cooks did that as well.

Overall it's all part of the experience and I'm grateful for it!

Reyden Egbert
Retreat Participant
Psilocybin Retreat in Costa Rica
5 star rating in client testimonial

All was as it was supposed to be. Magnificent.

Richard Knoebel
Retreat Participant
Psilocybin Retreat in Costa Rica
5 star rating in client testimonial

I will try and explain as best as I can how much this experience has helped me and how happy I was with Behold and everything you all did for us.

Rut Genberg
Retreat Participant
Psilocybin Retreat in Costa Rica
5 star rating in client testimonial

The organization was excellent, everything was perfectly orchestrated, the ceremonies were incredibly powerful and insightful, not just the main ones but all activities. The team was fabulous and so genuine, knowledgeable, filled with love and so professional.

Veronica Cordeiro
Retreat Participant
Psilocybin Retreat in Costa Rica
5 star rating in client testimonial

Ready for your Transformation?

For leaders, change-makers, and entrepreneurs, Behold Retreats sets the standard for transformational retreats in a safe, legal, and therapeutic setting.

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