For Leaders: How to get 7 years of personal growth in 7 weeks with plant medicine

(and avoid the mistakes that lead to years of retreats without progress)
For Leaders, Executives, and Entrepreneurs:
Watch the webinar to learn how to get 7 years of growth in 7 weeks with plant medicine like ayahuasca and psilocybin.
(and avoid the mistakes that lead to years of retreats without progress)

Step 1: Watch our webinar on how to get the most from plant medicine

Step 2: Click on the button below to apply for a consultation

For Leaders, Executives and Entrepreneurs: Your Potential is Exponential.  

Discover how to Elevate Your Consciousness and Transform Your Life in 7 Weeks with Plant Medicine like Ayahuasca and Psilocybin, and Avoid the Common Mistakes.
Recognition For Our Leadership & Innovation in Plant Medicine:
South China Morning PostThe Telegraph logo in navy
Bangkok Post logoGreen is the new BlackCity NomadsSpa + Clinic logoPsychreg logoMaya Clinic logoCompete Sports Diversity logoThe Luxe Nomad logo
Runner-up for Best Wellness Program of the Year 2020 from Destination Deluxe.
Destination Deluxe

STEP 1: Read on to discover how plant medicine can radically accelerate your personal growth and help you live a life of purpose, joy, and abundance.

STEP 2: Click “Apply for a free consultation"

South China Morning Post
green queen
Destination Deluxe
Green is the new black
Request a Complimentary Discovery Call

Who is this for?

While the majority of people can benefit from plant medicine, what we are offering is for Leaders, Executives, and Entrepreneurs. Trailblazers that are ready to expand their horizons, and live to their full potential.

This is for Leaders that know at a deep that there is more to life. For Trailblazers that know life can and should be filled with joy, purpose, success, abundance, freedom, and great relationships.
This is for Executives & CXO’s who want to be more authentic, intuitive, and productive than ever, to take their boardroom presence to the next level, and have more free time to spend with family and friends. 
This is for Entrepreneurs who are looking for clarity personally or professionally. For those that want to turbo-charge their growth and their leadership skills and confidence to execute on massive goals.

Despite success, leaders face common challenges:

Decorative image of deeper purpose
You’re ready to find your deeper purpose in life, to make the world a better place for future generations, and to leave a legacy. 
Decorative image of a lightbulb
Feeling pulled in different directions, stuck, inner turmoil, unfulfilled, like you’ve reached a plateau, or like something is fundamentally missing. 
Thinking too much, comparing yourself to others, or chasing after something without really understanding why.
Decorative image of signalling limited beliefs
Experiencing negative thinking, judgments, feeling scarcity, or lower level emotions like pride, anger, desire, fear, or frustration.
Decorative image of a unhelpful patterns
Feel stuck in patterns of thinking, behavior, or have unhealthy relationships with food, alcohol, drugs, porn, media, technology use, etc. resulting in suboptimal mental or physical health.
Decorative image showing disconnection
Challenging or unfulfilling relationships, feeling disconnected, or not able to attract what you want in life.

Recently, Forbes published that 72% of Entrepreneurs are suffering from mental health challenges. In our volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous environment, Leaders and Executives find themselves under similar pressure.

If you’re a leader and one or more of these challenges resonate with you, that’s completely normal. They are symptoms of a modern life and the rational mind. You’re in the right place, and we can help you.

These days, personal development is all the rage. You’ve probably already tried coaching or therapy, eating healthier, exercising more, attending leadership development workshops, and maybe mindfulness or meditation practices. And while all of these can bring improvements, it’s rare that they bring about a deeply felt transformation, or a true step-change to quality of life.

It’s important to know that what we are offering isn’t some new fad, not some new age woo-woo, or a quick fix. There is no way to bypass the hard work required to achieve your potential.

The key message.

So, here’s the truth: As a leader, your potential is exponential. 

Plant medicine can massively accelerate your personal growth and make huge improvements to quality of life.

Unfortunately, the majority of benefits from plant medicine are being lost, because it is difficult to know what good looks like, and challenging to find the right guidance.

We are dedicated to providing expert guidance to facilitate leaders through such a transformation. To elevate your consciousness and realize your potential, to get the most out of plant medicine, and to avoid the common mistakes.

Background & Motivation.

Jonathan de Potter, CEO of Behold Retreats

Jonathan de Potter

Founder & CEO
Behold Retreats

A good life (or so I thought).
Five years ago, I was living in Hong Kong, working as a Strategy Director for Accenture, and leading an team of 120+ consultants. I had a privileged life and career, I was winning new clients and making my case for promotion to Partner. I had great friends, a loving girlfriend, and I was having fun, so really had nothing to complain about.

Something was missing.
Yet, somehow, deep down, I felt like there must be more to life, like something was fundamentally missing. Like life itself had more to offer me, and I had more to offer life. I just didn’t know what it was. So I decided to take a year off, and as part of that journey, I participated in an Ayahuasca retreat in Peru with two friends.

The journey & the shift.
Through this retreat, and others that followed, I came to understand the power of plant medicine, and also that guided preparation and integration are fundamental. Honestly speaking, like so many others I have spoken to over the years, I unfortunately missed out on the majority of the potential benefits from the first 8-10 high-end retreats that I attended. They were nice retreats, but I didn’t have the right guidance.

As I continued my own work, over time I found the right guidance, and since then plant medicine and meditation have given me more than I thought possible, opening the door to living each day with more joy, love, and happiness. At work, I found myself to be more patient with my team, more productive, and more empathetic - a better leader. I was much more peaceful in everyday life, not so easily frustrated, and able to overcome negative thinking patterns and unhelpful behaviors. My motivations in life shifted from a more selfish orientation, to a focus on helping others, and to a focus on making the world a better place for future generations.

Motivation for Behold Retreats.
Through my own journey, I began hosting retreats for friends, and as more friends and colleagues came to me for guidance on plant medicine, I came to recognize there are a lot of unmet needs in the ecosystem, and I grew increasingly motivated to guide others to high quality experiences, to be safe and avoid the mistakes I made, ultimately leading me to establish Behold Retreats.

How to Elevate Your Consciousness and Transform Your Life With Plant Medicine, and Avoid the Common Mistakes.

#1 Understanding and Achieving Your Potential.

Old way: Unfortunately, society has taught us that we need to change our external reality - to “hustle and grind” or to “fake it until you make it” to achieve the success we want in life.
Old results: Billions of people worldwide believe in the hustle and grind, and so that has become their reality. This hyperactivity is a direct reflection of the level of consciousness, and generally indicates attachments to lower level emotions (Desire, Anger,  Pride), emotional or mental blindspots, and/or unresolved trauma. In these states, we are wanting, seeking, less productive, and less happy.
New way: Instead, we benefit from prioritizing the improvement of our internal reality - elevating our consciousness by letting go of lower level emotions that no longer serve us. 
New results: Through this approach, we align to our internal compass, and become more happy, more productive. We can live each day happier, and more productive. With more love, joy, peace, abundance, and realize our dreams with greater ease. At the higher levels of consciousness - which is a worthy goal for any leader, we can achieve the exponential and extraordinary through synchronicity. 

Elevate your consciousness and you won’t need to hustle and grind. You will naturally forge and evolve your own path to success. 

Instinctively, we all understand the levels of consciousness and the associated emotions. To a great extent, it informs who we choose to spend time with, who gives us energy, and who drains it.

It’s also worth acknowledging that we are only at the beginning of establishing a scientific understanding of consciousness. For example, Berkeley only opened their psychedelic research center this year.

If you have specific questions, speak to one of our experts to find out more.

#2 Plant Medicine - A Powerful Tool for Access & Acceleration 

Old way: While there are massive proven benefits from working with plant medicine, unfortunately, outside of the research, in the real world, the majority of people participating in plant medicine retreats are doing so without guidance, or haven’t found the right guidance to break through.
Old results: There are millions of people worldwide who have participated in plant medicine retreats, but not been appropriately guided to release lower level emotions like pride, anger, desire, fear, etc., and so not been able to substantially improve their lives. For these reasons, many find themselves “back where they were” in the period following a plant medicine retreat. This is unfortunate, and represents a massive missed opportunity.
New way: By working with expert coaches, therapists, healers, and facilitators, before, during, and after a plant medicine retreat, we are able to set meaningful goals and intentions, identify our blind spots, entrenched emotional and mental blocks, and make significantly more progress during each ceremony and retreat.
New results: Faster progress towards achieving your personal and professional goals. Benefiting from guidance, we can more easily identify, accept, and release unhelpful thinking patterns, traumas, and lower level emotions. Through a focus on high quality integration of our experiences during and after a retreat, we are able to sustain an elevated level of consciousness and rapidly accelerate growth.

More retreats doesn’t mean more progress.

When approached correctly, plant medicine is a powerful accelerator and transformational tool. Benefit from guidance and set meaningful goals for yourself, and you’ll make more progress, faster.

Find an expert who you are confident can guide you to successfully break through, elevate your consciousness, and realize your potential. As you do, everything in life becomes easier and more joyful.

#3 How to Maximize the Benefits from Plant Medicine, and Avoid the Common Mistakes

Unfortunately, a lot of mistakes are being made with plant medicine, resulting in massive loss of benefits. Here are the more common ones we see:

Common Mistake: Hearing good things from a few friends, so you want to try it too. Not really sure about your own motivations, but you’ve heard it has benefits.
Our Recommendation: Spend the time and energy to research the subject ahead of making a decision. You are rewiring your neural pathways - this is very very serious work.
Common Mistake: Participating in a retreat or a ceremony outside of the law. 
Our Recommendation: While plant medicine is rapidly gaining social and legal acceptance, there are still too many crackdowns. Ask yourself if it’s worth it.
Common Mistake: Hoping that everything will be fine.
Our Recommendation: Ensure you go through a high quality medical screening. If in doubt, ask to speak to the people you’ll be supported by.
Common Mistake: Book a retreat, read the emails they send you, and jump on a flight for the retreat.
Our Recommendation: You’ll get out what you put in. We recommend preparing for weeks ahead, and to do the necessary mental and emotional work to get the most out of the retreat experience.
Common Mistake: Doing it alone, without a coach or therapist.
Our Recommendation: Work with experts who have coached hundreds or thousands of people. They’ll guide you to break through and integrate the lessons.
Retreat Selection
Common Mistake: Check out a few websites, read a few reviews, and book a retreat.
Our Recommendation: It’s really difficult to know what good looks like. Find an expert who does know, and can guide you towards a high quality experience.
Common Mistake: Underestimating the challenges that can arise when working with plant medicine.
Our Recommendation: These experiences can be incredibly powerful and challenging. Every experience is unique, so it’s best not to have any expectations, and to be mentally prepared for anything, and that you have the right support around you.
Working Towards Goals
Common Mistake: During a ceremony, it’s common to forget about your intentions and goals and get carried away by the experience itself.
Our Recommendation: Finding the right balance between surrender and working towards your goals.
Assigning Meaning
Common Mistake: I saw some crazy stuff - I don’t quite know how to make sense of it, so I guess I’ll just ignore it and move on.
Our Recommendation: Remain curious, humble, and open, and take ownership for the experience. Work with a coach or therapist to unpack potential significance.
Keeping Track of the Lessons
Common Mistake: A bunch of really important things happened, but I don’t really remember much.
Our Recommendation: Find the right balance between allowing the experience to unfold, and remembering the significant lessons (e.g. maybe writing in a notebook)
Integrating the Lessons
Common Mistake: Feeling like a million dollars at the end of a retreat, and then feeling like you’re back to square 1 a month later.
Our Recommendation: Focus on integration, integration, integration. When back home, set time aside each day to review the commitments you made to yourself, and how you are tracking against them. Rewiring decades of ingrained thinking patterns and behaviors is not easy work.
Another Retreat
Common Mistake: Life has returned to normal, I think it’s time for another retreat.
Our Recommendation: If the last retreat didn’t substantially improve your life, think about why that might be the case, and adjust ahead of attending another. Work with experts.
Common Mistake
Our Recommendation
Mistake: Hearing good things from a few friends, so you want to try it too. Not really sure about your own motivations, but you’ve heard it has benefits.
Recommendation: Spend the time and energy to research the subject ahead of making a decision. You are rewiring your neural pathways - this is very very serious work.
Mistake: Participating in a retreat or a ceremony outside of the law. 
Recommendation: While plant medicine is rapidly gaining social and legal acceptance, there are still too many crackdowns. Ask yourself if it’s worth it.
Mistake: Hoping that everything will be fine.
Recommendation: Ensure you go through a high quality medical screening. If in doubt, ask to speak to the people you’ll be supported by.
Mistake: Book a retreat, read the emails they send you, and jump on a flight for the retreat.
Recommendation: You’ll get out what you put in. We recommend preparing for weeks ahead, and to do the necessary mental and emotional work to get the most out of the retreat experience.
Mistake: Doing it alone, without a coach or therapist.
Recommendation: Work with experts who have coached hundreds or thousands of people. They’ll guide you to break through and integrate the lessons.
Retreat Selection
Mistake: Check out a few websites, read a few reviews, and book a retreat.
Recommendation: It’s really difficult to know what good looks like. Find an expert who does know, and can guide you towards a high quality experience.
Mistake: Underestimating the challenges that can arise when working with plant medicine.
Recommendation: These experiences can be incredibly powerful and challenging. Every experience is unique, so it’s best not to have any expectations, and to be mentally prepared for anything, and that you have the right support around you.
Working Towards Goals
Mistake: During a ceremony, it’s common to forget about your intentions and goals and get carried away by the experience itself.
Recommendation: Finding the right balance between surrender and working towards your goals.
Assigning Meaning
Mistake: I saw some crazy stuff - I don’t quite know how to make sense of it, so I guess I’ll just ignore it and move on.
Recommendation: Remain curious, humble, and open, and take ownership for the experience. Work with a coach or therapist to unpack potential significance.
Keeping Track of the Lessons
Mistake: A bunch of really important things happened, but I don’t really remember much.
Recommendation: Find the right balance between allowing the experience to unfold, and remembering the significant lessons (e.g. maybe writing in a notebook)
Integrating the Lessons
Mistake: Feeling like a million dollars at the end of a retreat, and then feeling like you’re back to square 1 a month later.
Recommendation: Focus on integration, integration, integration. When back home, set time aside each day to review the commitments you made to yourself, and how you are tracking against them. Rewiring decades of ingrained thinking patterns and behaviors is not easy work.
Another Retreat
Mistake: Life has returned to normal, I think it’s time for another retreat.
Recommendation: If the last retreat didn’t substantially improve your life, think about why that might be the case, and adjust ahead of attending another. Work with experts.
Hearing good things from a few friends, so you want to try it too. Not really sure about your own motivations, but you’ve heard it has benefits.
Spend the time and energy to research the subject ahead of making a decision. You are rewiring your neural pathways - this is very very serious work.
Participating in a retreat or a ceremony outside of the law. 
While plant medicine is rapidly gaining social and legal acceptance, there are still too many crackdowns. Ask yourself if it’s worth it.
Hoping that everything will be fine.
Ensure you go through a high quality medical screening. If in doubt, ask to speak to the people you’ll be supported by.
Book a retreat, read the emails they send you, and jump on a flight for the retreat.
You’ll get out what you put in. We recommend preparing for weeks ahead, and to do the necessary mental and emotional work to get the most out of the retreat experience.
Doing it alone, without a coach or therapist.
Work with experts who have coached hundreds or thousands of people. They’ll guide you to break through and integrate the lessons.
Retreat Selection
Check out a few websites, read a few reviews, and book a retreat.
It’s really difficult to know what good looks like. Find an expert who does know, and can guide you towards a high quality experience.
Underestimating the challenges that can arise when working with plant medicine.
These experiences can be incredibly powerful and challenging. Every experience is unique, so it’s best not to have any expectations, and to be mentally prepared for anything, and that you have the right support around you.
Working Towards Goals
During a ceremony, it’s common to forget about your intentions and goals and get carried away by the experience itself.
Finding the right balance between surrender and working towards your goals.
Assigning Meaning
I saw some crazy stuff - I don’t quite know how to make sense of it, so I guess I’ll just ignore it and move on.
Remain curious, humble, and open, and take ownership for the experience. Work with a coach or therapist to unpack potential significance.
Keeping Track of the Lessons
A bunch of really important things happened, but I don’t really remember much.
Find the right balance between allowing the experience to unfold, and remembering the significant lessons (e.g. maybe writing in a notebook)
Integrating the Lessons
Feeling like a million dollars at the end of a retreat, and then feeling like you’re back to square 1 a month later.
Focus on integration, integration, integration. When back home, set time aside each day to review the commitments you made to yourself, and how you are tracking against them. Rewiring decades of ingrained thinking patterns and behaviors is not easy work.
Another Retreat
Life has returned to normal, I think it’s time for another retreat.
If the last retreat didn’t substantially improve your life, think about why that might be the case, and adjust ahead of attending another. Work with experts.
Hearing good things from a few friends, so you want to try it too. Not really sure about your own motivations, but you’ve heard it has benefits.
Spend the time and energy to research the subject ahead of making a decision. You are rewiring your neural pathways - this is very very serious work.
Participating in a retreat or a ceremony outside of the law. 
While plant medicine is rapidly gaining social and legal acceptance, there are still too many crackdowns. Ask yourself if it’s worth it.
Hoping that everything will be fine.
Ensure you go through a high quality medical screening. If in doubt, ask to speak to the people you’ll be supported by.
Book a retreat, read the emails they send you, and jump on a flight for the retreat.
You’ll get out what you put in. We recommend preparing for weeks ahead, and to do the necessary mental and emotional work to get the most out of the retreat experience.
Doing it alone, without a coach or therapist.
Work with experts who have coached hundreds or thousands of people. They’ll guide you to break through and integrate the lessons.
Retreat Selection
Check out a few websites, read a few reviews, and book a retreat.
It’s really difficult to know what good looks like. Find an expert who does know, and can guide you towards a high quality experience.
Underestimating the challenges that can arise when working with plant medicine.
These experiences can be incredibly powerful and challenging. Every experience is unique, so it’s best not to have any expectations, and to be mentally prepared for anything, and that you have the right support around you.
Working Towards Goals
During a ceremony, it’s common to forget about your intentions and goals and get carried away by the experience itself.
Finding the right balance between surrender and working towards your goals.
Assigning Meaning
I saw some crazy stuff - I don’t quite know how to make sense of it, so I guess I’ll just ignore it and move on.
Remain curious, humble, and open, and take ownership for the experience. Work with a coach or therapist to unpack potential significance.
Keeping Track of the Lessons
A bunch of really important things happened, but I don’t really remember much.
Find the right balance between allowing the experience to unfold, and remembering the significant lessons (e.g. maybe writing in a notebook)
Integrating the Lessons
Feeling like a million dollars at the end of a retreat, and then feeling like you’re back to square 1 a month later.
Focus on integration, integration, integration. When back home, set time aside each day to review the commitments you made to yourself, and how you are tracking against them. Rewiring decades of ingrained thinking patterns and behaviors is not easy work.
Another Retreat
Life has returned to normal, I think it’s time for another retreat.
If the last retreat didn’t substantially improve your life, think about why that might be the case, and adjust ahead of attending another. Work with experts.
Hearing good things from a few friends, so you want to try it too. Not really sure about your own motivations, but you’ve heard it has benefits.
Spend the time and energy to research the subject ahead of making a decision. You are rewiring your neural pathways - this is very very serious work.
Participating in a retreat or a ceremony outside of the law. 
While plant medicine is rapidly gaining social and legal acceptance, there are still too many crackdowns. Ask yourself if it’s worth it.
Hoping that everything will be fine.
Ensure you go through a high quality medical screening. If in doubt, ask to speak to the people you’ll be supported by.
Book a retreat, read the emails they send you, and jump on a flight for the retreat.
You’ll get out what you put in. We recommend preparing for weeks ahead, and to do the necessary mental and emotional work to get the most out of the retreat experience.
Doing it alone, without a coach or therapist.
Work with experts who have coached hundreds or thousands of people. They’ll guide you to break through and integrate the lessons.
Retreat Selection
Check out a few websites, read a few reviews, and book a retreat.
It’s really difficult to know what good looks like. Find an expert who does know, and can guide you towards a high quality experience.
Underestimating the challenges that can arise when working with plant medicine.
These experiences can be incredibly powerful and challenging. Every experience is unique, so it’s best not to have any expectations, and to be mentally prepared for anything, and that you have the right support around you.
Working Towards Goals
During a ceremony, it’s common to forget about your intentions and goals and get carried away by the experience itself.
Finding the right balance between surrender and working towards your goals.
Assigning Meaning
I saw some crazy stuff - I don’t quite know how to make sense of it, so I guess I’ll just ignore it and move on.
Remain curious, humble, and open, and take ownership for the experience. Work with a coach or therapist to unpack potential significance.
Keeping Track of the Lessons
A bunch of really important things happened, but I don’t really remember much.
Find the right balance between allowing the experience to unfold, and remembering the significant lessons (e.g. maybe writing in a notebook)
Integrating the Lessons
Feeling like a million dollars at the end of a retreat, and then feeling like you’re back to square 1 a month later.
Focus on integration, integration, integration. When back home, set time aside each day to review the commitments you made to yourself, and how you are tracking against them. Rewiring decades of ingrained thinking patterns and behaviors is not easy work.
Another Retreat
Life has returned to normal, I think it’s time for another retreat.
If the last retreat didn’t substantially improve your life, think about why that might be the case, and adjust ahead of attending another. Work with experts.
Hearing good things from a few friends, so you want to try it too. Not really sure about your own motivations, but you’ve heard it has benefits.
Spend the time and energy to research the subject ahead of making a decision. You are rewiring your neural pathways - this is very very serious work.
Participating in a retreat or a ceremony outside of the law. 
While plant medicine is rapidly gaining social and legal acceptance, there are still too many crackdowns. Ask yourself if it’s worth it.
Hoping that everything will be fine.
Ensure you go through a high quality medical screening. If in doubt, ask to speak to the people you’ll be supported by.
Book a retreat, read the emails they send you, and jump on a flight for the retreat.
You’ll get out what you put in. We recommend preparing for weeks ahead, and to do the necessary mental and emotional work to get the most out of the retreat experience.
Doing it alone, without a coach or therapist.
Work with experts who have coached hundreds or thousands of people. They’ll guide you to break through and integrate the lessons.
Retreat Selection
Check out a few websites, read a few reviews, and book a retreat.
It’s really difficult to know what good looks like. Find an expert who does know, and can guide you towards a high quality experience.
Underestimating the challenges that can arise when working with plant medicine.
These experiences can be incredibly powerful and challenging. Every experience is unique, so it’s best not to have any expectations, and to be mentally prepared for anything, and that you have the right support around you.
Working Towards Goals
During a ceremony, it’s common to forget about your intentions and goals and get carried away by the experience itself.
Finding the right balance between surrender and working towards your goals.
Assigning Meaning
I saw some crazy stuff - I don’t quite know how to make sense of it, so I guess I’ll just ignore it and move on.
Remain curious, humble, and open, and take ownership for the experience. Work with a coach or therapist to unpack potential significance.
Keeping Track of the Lessons
A bunch of really important things happened, but I don’t really remember much.
Find the right balance between allowing the experience to unfold, and remembering the significant lessons (e.g. maybe writing in a notebook)
Integrating the Lessons
Feeling like a million dollars at the end of a retreat, and then feeling like you’re back to square 1 a month later.
Focus on integration, integration, integration. When back home, set time aside each day to review the commitments you made to yourself, and how you are tracking against them. Rewiring decades of ingrained thinking patterns and behaviors is not easy work.
Another Retreat
Life has returned to normal, I think it’s time for another retreat.
If the last retreat didn’t substantially improve your life, think about why that might be the case, and adjust ahead of attending another. Work with experts.
Hearing good things from a few friends, so you want to try it too. Not really sure about your own motivations, but you’ve heard it has benefits.
Spend the time and energy to research the subject ahead of making a decision. You are rewiring your neural pathways - this is very very serious work.
Participating in a retreat or a ceremony outside of the law. 
While plant medicine is rapidly gaining social and legal acceptance, there are still too many crackdowns. Ask yourself if it’s worth it.
Hoping that everything will be fine.
Ensure you go through a high quality medical screening. If in doubt, ask to speak to the people you’ll be supported by.
Book a retreat, read the emails they send you, and jump on a flight for the retreat.
You’ll get out what you put in. We recommend preparing for weeks ahead, and to do the necessary mental and emotional work to get the most out of the retreat experience.
Doing it alone, without a coach or therapist.
Work with experts who have coached hundreds or thousands of people. They’ll guide you to break through and integrate the lessons.
Retreat Selection
Check out a few websites, read a few reviews, and book a retreat.
It’s really difficult to know what good looks like. Find an expert who does know, and can guide you towards a high quality experience.
Underestimating the challenges that can arise when working with plant medicine.
These experiences can be incredibly powerful and challenging. Every experience is unique, so it’s best not to have any expectations, and to be mentally prepared for anything, and that you have the right support around you.
Working Towards Goals
During a ceremony, it’s common to forget about your intentions and goals and get carried away by the experience itself.
Finding the right balance between surrender and working towards your goals.
Assigning Meaning
I saw some crazy stuff - I don’t quite know how to make sense of it, so I guess I’ll just ignore it and move on.
Remain curious, humble, and open, and take ownership for the experience. Work with a coach or therapist to unpack potential significance.
Keeping Track of the Lessons
A bunch of really important things happened, but I don’t really remember much.
Find the right balance between allowing the experience to unfold, and remembering the significant lessons (e.g. maybe writing in a notebook)
Integrating the Lessons
Feeling like a million dollars at the end of a retreat, and then feeling like you’re back to square 1 a month later.
Focus on integration, integration, integration. When back home, set time aside each day to review the commitments you made to yourself, and how you are tracking against them. Rewiring decades of ingrained thinking patterns and behaviors is not easy work.
Another Retreat
Life has returned to normal, I think it’s time for another retreat.
If the last retreat didn’t substantially improve your life, think about why that might be the case, and adjust ahead of attending another. Work with experts.

Take plant medicine seriously, and do your best to avoid these common mistakes. By providing plant medicine the respect it deserves and investing in yourself accordingly, you’ll be rewarded in reciprocity with more progress, faster.

Remember that you are fundamentally rewiring your neural pathways. There’s a quote that advises to “select your plant medicine experience like you would select a neurosurgeon

Behold Retreats logo white

How you will benefit from working with Behold Retreats

Confidence & Safety
Eliminate the guesswork. Be guided throughout by plant medicine experts. Specialist facilitators, healers, coaches, and therapists. You will be in great hands.
Elevate your consciousness
Improve your self-understanding to break through, realize your true nature and full potential.
Make massive progress quickly
Accelerate growth, gain clarity on life priorities and goals, and alignment of body, mind, heart, and spirit. Avoid the common mistakes.
Release lower-level emotions
Let go of that which no longer serves you, including shame, guilt, fear, apathy, grief, fear, desire, anger, and pride. Overcome past trauma and triggers.
Sustain the benefits
High quality integration support post-retreat, and an end to end partner dedicated to your transformation. 
Curation and Customization
Let us know your needs and preferences, and we can tailor guidance, medicine, retreat, and amenities accordingly.

How it works

Decorative image of side pointing arrow.
Expand & Elevate.
Decorative image of side pointing arrow.

We work with our clients in two ways:

7-Week Transformation

Guided program to elevate your consciousness and realize your potential.

Private Transformation

Bespoke programs, private retreats, and private coaching deeply tailored to your specific goals and needs.

Each Transformation journey includes:
  • An immersive program to guide your process
  • A beautiful, weeklong plant medicine retreat in an idyllic location
  • World-class group and individual coaching before, during, and after the retreat
  • Lessons, resources, and exercises to elevate you to peak performance and well-being
  • Guided integration to sustain the benefits and improve quality of everyday life
  • Community membership to continue your work following the program


We have a variety of idyllic plant medicine retreats to suit your preferences, with private and group options available.

We have beautiful retreats in Costa Rica, Jamaica, Mexico, and Peru, and in Portugal, Netherlands, and Spain.

We have retreat options with a broad variety of medicines, including ayahuasca, psilocybin, San Pedro, and others upon request.

Costa Rica Behold Retreats view of a retreat center in the jungle.
Behold Retreats Costa Rica Retreat
Costa Rica, El Chante Retreat, pool
Costa Rica Retreat, banquet table setting
Yoga & Medidation retreats showing a girl with prayer hands
Guided medidation with a blonde woman laying with her eye closed.

The value of realizing your potential as an exponential leader

For simplicity, let’s say you’re making $100k per year at the moment. You probably weren’t earning that 5 years ago, so your value has gone up. If you believe any of the science and benefits that’s been shared with you today, then this work will help your value go up. Not by a little, but by a lot. Not slowly, but fast. It’s also worth considering the cumulative effect over say 5+ years.

Let’s look at it another way. If you’re leading a large team, and your leadership skills improve by 10%, what is that worth to the company? Or if you're leading a P&L or company valued at $5m, $50m, what’s that worth? It’s massive, it’s exponential.

Working on yourself in this way has a massive impact upon your leadership skills. Rightly so, many of our clients expense this under coaching and personal development. Even if you think your company is too conservative, you never know until you ask. Make your case and show the evidence. As my old mentor used to say, “doesn’t ask, doesn’t get”.

So if you believe the wisdom that the best investment is in yourself, and you believe that when approached correctly, plant medicine can accelerate your growth, then you can see the value. 

For those of you who are in a position to do so, we highly recommend you consider doing this work privately. If that’s interesting to you, let us know when you speak to one of our team.

Conditions of our offer

As an introductory offer, we are providing a discounted price for this month. At the moment, we are limited to 20 customers per month, and our prices will go up next month.

Of course, we back up everything that we’ve claimed with a guarantee, meaning that if we don’t deliver on the benefits we’ve described, then you don’t pay a dime.

If what we are offering resonates with you, then let’s connect to decide if we are a fit.

We look forward to hearing from you. To apply, click the button below.

Q&A - We’ll keep these up to date based upon your questions

Will this work for me? 
Almost certainly, yes. There are however psychological and medical contraindications, which we will discuss with you through the medical screening process. As evidenced by the science, for the overwhelming majority, this is both safe and effective.

How does Behold Retreats select clients?
We work with clients who are ready for a big shift. Those that are willing to commit, take ownership, and will put in the effort required to facilitate transformation. We do not work with narcissists, complainers, or those who are attached to victimhood stories.

Why are you focused on leaders? Shouldn’t everyone have this?
Yes, absolutely. By focusing on elevating the consciousness of leaders, our ambition is to accelerate the conversation in relation to plant medicine, and thereby enable legalization and democratization so that it becomes available to millions and billions more. It is our belief that everyone that feels so inclined deserves to have access to this powerful and proven modality.

Despite the science and guarantees, I’m still feeling a bit apprehensive and maybe a little nervous. Is this normal?
Yes, this is completely normal and healthy. Like any adventure, some butterflies in the stomach are a part of the journey. Even those who have worked with plant medicine for years often still have nerves, as every journey is unique. Speak to one of our experts with any specific questions or concerns that you may have.

Can I follow up after COVID has quieted down? 
Yes of course, although pricing will have gone up. It's also worth noting that there is much we can achieve ahead of a retreat. We are of course keeping retreat dates flexible until you feel comfortable to travel.

How much time do I need to commit?
We recommend spending 3-4 hours per week during the 3-week preparation phase (before retreat), and 3-4 hours per week during the 3-week integration phase (after retreat). During the weeklong retreat, we highly recommend dedicating 100% of this time to yourself. Like anything in life, you will get out what you put in.

This seems expensive. Why?
Throughout your journey, you will be guided by world-class practitioners, who deserve to be fairly compensated for their exceptional work and dedication to your transformation.  We’re confident this will be the best investment you’ve ever made in yourself. 

What if it isn’t? What if I don't benefit in the ways that you've described?
Then we provide a refund. Simple as that. 

I’ve heard plant medicine also works for treating more serious mental health disorders and addictions. Is that true?
Yes, that is true. While treatment of serious disorders is not the focus for Behold Retreats, the research and science has shown that plant medicine is providing break-through results in these areas. For any of you suffering from serious mental health or addictive disorders, we apologize that we are not able to support you at this time.

I have some questions about whether my health condition will allow me to participate. Will you be able to help me?
Maybe. The best thing to do is to apply for a consultation. Our experts will further discuss with you, and share information such that you can make a decision that is in your best interests.