What's a psychedelic retreat REALLY like?

Begin Your Journey

So, you might be wondering, what's a psychedelic retreat REALLY like?

You're not alone, we get this question a lot.

Rightfully so, in thinking about a retreat, you might feel some combination of excitement, nerves, hope, and curiosity.

Plus, it's a big investment, and we all know it's not easy to get a week off.

But the truth is, nothing can ever describe the experience.

Sure, we can show you photos, yoga, schedules, testimonials, describe mystical experiences, or ‘the process’, but none of that communicates the essence of such an experience.

So, in a fun attempt to capture that essence, we asked some of our past guests to summarize their experience with us in 1 word.

Here's what resulted, we hope you enjoy!

Watch the video:

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