Is an Ayahuasca Retreat Right for Me?

Begin Your Journey

Is an Ayahuasca retreat right for you? 

 [Scroll down for the video]

This is a question we get asked a lot — many of our clients would like to know HOW to decide whether or not a plant medicine retreat is right for them.

It’s a smart question to ask, but as much as we'd love to help, the answer can only come from within you, but we can help. 

Yes, we know, the decision is big, a bit scary, and hard to make. Trust me, we’ve been there! My goodness have we been there. 

Personally, I now recognize that I didn’t make great decisions my first times out, but I didn’t know any better at the time, and that’s a story for another time. 

Intuitively we all understand that the decision to work with plant medicine is one of the most important we will make in our lives. 

To share some statistics with you, of those who have applied for our retreats, a whopping 67% have been considering an experience for 2+ years. 

April Newsletter 02

67% for 2 or more years! That's a lot of people who are thinking about this for a long time!

I struggle to name another decision we consider for such a duration. Marriage, kids, careers changes, and a hefty mortgage seem to come to us more naturally.

Crucially, whatever decision we make IS the right one, whether it's a yes or a no.

On a number of occasions, clients of ours have had profound, life-changing experiences on retreat and can't wait to get home and TELL THE WORLD. Often, they promise to bring their tribe on retreat next month as the plant medicine can help to create more intimate relationships.

While the transformation and excitement is so beautiful, the tribe coming on retreat next month? Never gonna happen.

There is no “convincing” people that they should participate in such an experience. People must follow their own process, and think and “feel” how they want to make a decision. When it’s a yes, it comes from the depths of the soul, and at the timing that is right for them.

I pulled together this video to share a few thoughts for those of you who have been thinking about retreat but still haven’t quite made up your mind. Hopefully it is of service to you in helping you think about if and how you want to make this momentous decision.

Over the next weeks, I’ll be sharing more content on the topics of readiness, types of retreats, and how to select a great experience.

Sometimes, it’s the things we don’t know that we don’t know that can really make a difference.

If you have any specific questions about consciousness, psychedelics, or human potential, let us know, and we’ll do our best to help.

All in divine order, and in divine timing.

Aloha & Much Love to All

Let's Evolve Together.

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