This week, Netflix premiered Aaron Rodgers: Enigma, a documentary series offering a rare glimpse into the NFL legend’s life off the field. From recovering from an Achilles injury to a profound exploration of his inner world, the series highlights Aaron’s journey to rediscover his purpose and align with his highest self (despite major public backlash).
Central to his transformation? A life-changing Ayahuasca retreat hosted by Behold Retreats with Resonance, in Esterillos, Costa Rica.
Set in the stunning coastal area of Esterillos, Costa Rica, Resonance provided the perfect environment for Aaron Rodgers to embark on his spiritual journey. Known for its emphasis on safety, care, and small group sizes, Behold Retreats, is a trusted leader in facilitating transformative plant medicine experiences across Mexico, Costa Rica and Europe.
Behold Retreats prioritizes safety, integrity, and fostering a holistic healing environment for all guests. Each retreat is specifically designed to provide the optimal setting for personal growth and transformation. Resonance, Behold's esteemed Costa Rican partner, shares this commitment by creating a secure and sacred space where individuals can embark on their personal journey of self-discovery.
Aaron’s experience included expertly guided ceremonies, profound moments of introspection and opportunities to reconnect with himself on a deeper level.
His week long retreat wasn’t easy. It challenged Aaron to confront emotional blockages and surrender to the wisdom of the plant medicine. Yet the rewards were immense, leading to clarity, healing, and a renewed sense of purpose.
Resonance's team of experienced facilitators guide clients through the ayahuasca experience, ensuring their safety and facilitating self-exploration.
At the heart of Aaron's experience was the Ayahuasquero, Costa, who facilitated Aaron’s ceremonies. Aaron praised Costa’s ability to create a sacred space for healing, highlighting the role of carefully curated music, stillness, and spiritual guidance.
Through his work with Behold Retreats and founding partner of Resonance, Danny fosters experiences that combine ancient wisdom with modern consciousness practices, creating lasting change for guests.
Whether cultivating connections with indigenous communities through the Sovereignty Alliance Foundation or promoting sustainability through initiatives like Resonance Movement, Danny’s mission is clear: to inspire transformation and advance human consciousness.
Ayahuasca is more than a plant medicine; it’s a teacher, a healer, and a guide. For Aaron, the experience was a journey into the depths of his being, providing insights that extended far beyond his NFL career.
If Aaron Rodgers’ journey resonates with you, Behold Retreats invites you to explore the transformative power of Ayahuasca through their Ayahuasca & Optimal Performance Retreat. For those seeking similar breakthroughs, Ayahuasca offers a pathway to heal emotional wounds, overcome limiting beliefs, and achieve lasting clarity.
This six-night, all-inclusive retreat is designed for athletes, artists, entrepreneurs, and professionals seeking to tap into their full potential. Through a combination of plant medicine ceremonies, yoga, meditation, and integration practices, participants will discover new levels of flow, resilience, and creativity.
Ready to unlock your full potential? Explore how ayahuasca can transform your life and help you access lasting flow.
Learn more about consciousness, plant medicine, and spiritual transformation